And yet I have to swallow a lump of sadness every time we give out a water filter, because I know that for every family we help, there are hundreds, thousands, who have yet to receive clean water. Countless children who still ingest dangerous parasites every day in the water that they must drink to sustain their lives. What sad irony.
But Jesus reminds me that worse yet is the fact that there are millions here who do not know the Living Water. They have never been introduced to the Sustainer God who holds creation in his hand. He is the life-force, the River of Living Water who spoke humanity into existence and calls all nations to repentance.
And He is the eternally clean water that they so desperately need.
Yesterday we bumped along a winding dirt road an hour outside the city to deliver a water filter to a family who drinks from a lake that is home to about 200 crocodiles. It is also the watering hole and swimming pool for all the local animals. We looked into the lake and saw the filth that these sweet babies drink every day, and then we showed them how the water filter works. When the water came out of the filter, cool and refreshing and perfectly clear, the kids crowded underneath the get a drink.
Oh, Jesus, bring salvation to these people that I love so much...that you love so much more. Nourish them with your Spirit. Send someone to build a church here, with a baptistery full of water and the message of the purifying blood of Jesus Christ.
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