Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As I was leaving the school on Saturday night, I went to say goodnight to the Boys.  Emma shook my hand and said, "I wish you would be singing with us in the choir tomorrow."  I answered that I would if it was okay with Brother Eddie, hoping that that would be the end of it.  Haha but no, Emma marched right to Eddie's office and said that I had agreed to sing on the worship team the next day.  Eddie agreed wholeheartedly because he's been teaching me the Luganda worship songs.  I saw that I was stuck and said, "But then you can only sing the songs that I know, or songs in English."  Bro. Eddie just answered, "I will chose songs in Luganda that you already know.  And the ones you don't know...you dance!"   Haha so the next morning after Sunday School I joined the young people for worship team and we sang and danced to these amazing African worship songs.  Worship service lasts a long time here and I LOVE it.  For the few songs that I didn't know, I looked at Rose and mimicked her dance.  No one seemed to mind at all that I didn't sing along to those songs.  After we sat down, it started raining HARD and then it started hailing.  Water came running through the church in small rivers, but everyone just moved closer to the middle of the room and waited in the dark (the power went out) for it to die so we could continue with church.  Beautiful.

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